How to Make a Dental First Aid Kit
added on: September 28, 2023

Dental emergencies can certainly cause concern. However, having a well-stocked dental first aid kit on hand can make a significant difference in managing discomfort and preventing further damage. Whether you’re at home or traveling, having a dental first aid kit in addition to your traditional first aid kit is an… Read More…

Exploring the Link Between Dementia and Oral Health
added on: September 14, 2023

The human body is complicated, and the connection between various bodily systems can often surprise us. One such connection gaining increasing attention is the link between dementia and oral health. While these two might seem worlds apart, research is revealing a fascinating relationship between the two that emphasizes the importance… Read More…

Top 10 Ways to Treat Dry Mouth
added on: August 28, 2023

If you’ve ever experienced the uncomfortable feeling of dry mouth, you know just how eager someone could be to treat it quickly. While some people may experience occasional dryness, others could have a chronic case of dry mouth. Dry mouth isn’t just annoying, it can also lead to other problems… Read More…

Is It Normal To Have Some Discomfort After A Dental Procedure?
added on: August 14, 2023

Needing to get a dental procedure can be a nerve-wracking experience, so is not knowing what to expect after treatment. It’s important to know that your dentist in The Woodlands will do everything they can to make every visit to their office comfortable. But what if you do experience discomfort after… Read More…

What To Do If You Have a Dental Emergency
added on: July 29, 2023
dental emergency

Dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly, causing pain and distress. Whether it’s a broken tooth, severe toothache, or a knocked-out tooth, knowing what to do if you have a dental emergency is crucial. Let’s take a look at some of the essential steps your dentist in The Woodlands would encourage you… Read More…

Why Are Mouthguards Important? 
added on: July 11, 2023

When it comes to protecting our bodies during physical activities, we often prioritize helmets, knee pads, and other protective gear. However, one crucial piece of equipment that is often overlooked, or is considered only necessary for kids, is the mouthguard. In fact, your dentist in The Woodlands would recommend that everyone… Read More…

How to Prevent Gum Disease
added on: June 30, 2023

Gum disease is a serious oral health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It’s a bacterial infection that can lead to tooth loss if left untreated. Fortunately, it is preventable with good oral hygiene, regular dental checkups with your dentist in The Woodlands, and other preventative measures.  Causes of… Read More…

Smile! June is National Smile Month
added on: June 16, 2023

June is National Smile Month, and what better way to celebrate than by taking care of your oral health and achieving a healthy and beautiful smile? At our dental office in The Woodlands, we believe that a great smile is more than just a cosmetic enhancement – it’s a sign… Read More…

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5 Things That Can Harm Teeth
added on: May 26, 2023

If you’re following an excellent oral health routine of brushing and flossing every day and seeing your dentist in The Woodlands twice a year but still find yourself getting cavities, having tooth sensitivity, or needing dental restorations to help fix damaged teeth, other things may be to blame. The truth… Read More…

What Asthmatics Need to Know About Their Oral Health
added on: May 11, 2023

May is Asthma Awareness Month, which makes it a great time to educate people on this very common, yet very serious, disease. Around 25 million Americans, both children, and adults, have asthma, and it can’t be cured. While asthma predominantly affects the respiratory system and can cause shortness of breath,… Read More…

What Are The Most Common Oral Health Problems?
added on: April 28, 2023

Oral health can be confusing. After all, oral health includes the teeth, gums, tongue, and the entire anatomy of the oral-facial facial system. Not to mention, oral health has a well-researched history of being tied to overall health. For example, oral health may contribute to things such as cardiovascular disease,… Read More…

What Does Oral Cancer Look Like?
added on: April 14, 2023

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month, a time when healthcare professionals come together to raise awareness of this sometimes deadly condition.Oral cancer isn’t necessarily a death sentence and can often be treated successfully when it’s caught early. Of course, your dentist in The Woodlands wants to do everything we can… Read More…

How Does Nutrition Affect Oral Health?
added on: March 29, 2023

What we put into our bodies can certainly affect how we feel and how healthy we are overall. But eating the right foods can not only fuel your body, but it can also enhance your oral health. During this National Nutrition Month, your dentist in The Woodlands dentist wants to help… Read More…

Does Green Beer Stain Your Teeth? 
added on: March 13, 2023

Some of the most common ways people celebrate St. Patrick’s Day are by wearing a bunch of green, maybe going to a parade, and oftentimes, drinking beer. It’s also likely that you’ll be able to find many bars and restaurants serving green beer, after all, this is one of the… Read More…

How Quickly Can You Whiten Your Teeth? 
added on: February 25, 2023

It’s incredibly common to want to have the whitest smile possible. In fact, 80% of Americans between 18 and 49 reported that they’d like to have whiter teeth. Even if you brush and floss your teeth religiously, everyday things like your morning cup of coffee can cause tooth discoloration. But… Read More…

Are Dental Implants Painful? 
added on: February 13, 2023

Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace a missing tooth or several teeth and can be used as an alternative to removable dentures and bridges. However, dental implants do require surgery which can make some patients uneasy, especially when it comes to not knowing if the procedure is painful…. Read More…

Why Dental Checkups Are So Important
added on: January 26, 2023
Huet Dental in The Woodlands, TX

You’ve heard time and time again about how it’s important it is to see your dentist in The Woodlands every six months for a checkup. But why do we recommend visiting us twice a year? Do you really need dental checkups that often? The short answer is yes, but let’s… Read More…

What to Expect After Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed
added on: January 17, 2023
Huet Dental in The Woodlands, TX

Your wisdom teeth tend to erupt between the age of 17 and 21, but they can make an appearance earlier or later. Many times, your dentist in The Woodlands will recommend having wisdom teeth removed. Wisdom teeth extractions are incredibly common and can help maintain oral health. However, it is a… Read More…

How to Get Rid of Mouth Ulcers
added on: December 25, 2022
Huet Dental in The Woodlands, TX

Mouth ulcers can pop up for any number of reasons, and most of the time, they’re nothing to be worried about. But that doesn’t change the fact that they can be annoying and painful, causing you to want to find the best way to get rid of mouth ulcers quickly…. Read More…

How to Help Keep Teeth Healthy During Cold & Flu Season
added on: December 16, 2022
Huet Dental in The Woodlands, TX

We’re headed into the peak of cold and flu season, which typically comes with stuffy noses, sore throats, fevers, and loads of medicine to help ease symptoms. But did you know that any sickness from the common cold to the flu can also put oral health at risk, too? Your… Read More…

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