Sleep Dentistry

Sleep Apnea

Better Sleep leads
to a Happier Life!

Helping The Woodlands Get the
Restful Sleep They Deserve

An estimated 22 million Americans struggle with a more extreme, dangerous snoring condition, known as Obstructive Sleep Apnea. In this case, your airway becomes blocked, causing you to stop breathing. This can happen hundreds of times a night! (It’s no wonder you wake up feeling tired and irritable.) The team at Huet Dental can evaluate you to identify common signs of this condition.

What Are the Side
Effects of Sleep Apnea?

As we mentioned before, sleep apnea can leave everyone in your bed (even in your household) tired and cranky due to lack of proper sleep. It should come as no surprise that sleep deprivation is the biggest side effect of sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea sufferers tend to have increased:

  • Morning headaches, dry mouth, and moodiness
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Risk of heart attack or stroke

Working in Conjunction with a Sleep Physician, These are Some Treatments for Sleep Apnea:

  • Continuous Positive Air Pressure (CPAP) Machine – Many patients find relief using a CPAP machine at night. It keeps your airflow steady and open, increasing restful sleep and minimizing snoring.
  • Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) – These devices work similarly to the CPAP in that its main job is to help keep your bite positioned so that your airway remains open while you sleep, minimizing snoring and increasing restful sleep. Some people use these in conjunction with their CPAP to further open their airway. MAD can be an alternative for CPAP intolerant patients and those traveling a lot.

If it is determined that you are one of the 22 million Americans living with Obstructive Sleep Apnea, over the last decade, there have been huge advancements and repeated evidence showing how effective oral appliances can be for stopping snoring. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine now recommends that oral appliances (like the MADs that Huet Dental creates for their patients) be used for people who have mild to moderate sleep apnea and those who are CPAP intolerant. Oral appliances also offer a smaller, more discreet alternative for people who simply refuse to use a CPAP machine.